Sepedi Catalogue  

(all books in Sepedi in alphabetical order of title)


Ke tla nyala mang

Ratsoma o na le bothata. O rata banenyana ba babedi gomme ga a kgone go tseba gore a nyale mang. Ge a kgopela keletšo go tatagwe, lapa ka moka le makatšwa ke diphiri tšeo di utollwago.

Ratsoma has a problem. He loves two girls and he cannot decide which one to marry. When he asks his father for advice, the whole family is shocked by the secrets that are revealed.

  • Author: Sello Motete
  • Language:Sepedi, Setswana (original language), English
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-874897-456-8




Lapa la ga Modiba

Maloko a šupa a lapa la ga Modiba a na le dinyakwa, dikganyogo le ditoro tsa ona. Ba dumele, go tloga ka koko Modiba go fihla ka Lerato wa mengwaga ye mebedi, ba go tsopolele maikutlo a bona.

The seven members of the Modiba family have their own likes and dislikes, hopes and dreams, just like everybody else. Let them all, from Koko Modiba to two-year old Lerato, share their feelings with you.

  • Author: Elda Lyster
  • Language:Sepedi, isiZulu, isiXhosa, Sesotho, Afrikaans and English (original language)
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-452-0




Maano ga a šite

Mosima ke mosadi yo a nyetšwego. O botse ebile o kganyogwa ke masogana a mantši. Ge monna wa gagwe a hwetša mošomo Gauteng, ditaba di thoma go senyega.

Mosima is a married woman. She is beautiful and admired by most men. When her husband finds a job in Gauteng, things start to go wrong.

  • Author: Monica Rakoma
  • Language: Sepedi and English
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-337-0




Masilo o ya toropong

Masilo o ile a ya toropong go yo nyaka mošomo gore a hwetše tšhelete yo go hlokomela ba lapa la gagwe. O kopane le mathata a mantši. Mafelelong a ya Wimpi a nagana gore ke motse wa motho yo mongwe.

Masilo went to town to look for a job to get money to support his family. He met with so many problems. He finally went to a Wimpy restaurant thinking it was a party in someone’s house.

  • Author: Cedric Xulu
  • Language: Sepedi, isiZulu (original language) and English
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-454-4




Mehlolo ga e fele

Ka Mešupologo e sa le mesong Lebelo o otlela go ya mošomong wa gagwe Ga-Motupa. Ka Mošupologo wo mongwe Lebelo o be a šaletše mošomong. O be a otlela ka lebelo le legolo ge a tla tlabega.

On Monday mornings Lebelo drives to his work-place in Ga-Motupa. One Monday Lebelo was late for work. He was driving at a high speed when he had a big surprise.

  • Author: Sedupa Magabane
  • Language: Sepedi
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-339-4




Metlae ya bašemane

Lesiba o be a golofetše, fela a rata go etela rakgadiage GaMaja, le go bala thabeng le bašemane ba bangwe ba go diša mo motseng. Bašemane bao ba go seleka ga se ba mo tsebiše ka Maribe, tšhwene ye kotsi yeo e bego e dula kgauswi le motse.

Lesiba was crippled, but he enjoyed visiting his aunt at GaMaja and playing on the mountain near the village with the herd boys. The mischievous boys did not tell him about Maribe, the dangerous baboon who lived near by!

  • Author: Silas Sitholimela
  • Language: Sepedi, Tshivenda (original language) and English
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-453-7




Ngwana yo Moswa

Moruti le mosadi wa gagwe ba swabile ge morwedi wa bona a ba botša gore o tla ba le ngwana. Ge lesea le belegwa, tšohle tša fetoga.

A priest and his wife are ashamed when their daughter tells them she is going to have a baby. When the baby comes, everything changes.

  • Author: Helen Brain
  • Language:Sepedi and English (original language)
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-455-1




Nko ga e dupe

Sepatikana le Mosima ba diila kudu. Ba thabile kudu ge ba swere jekpoto. Ka manyami go diragala taba ye bohloko gomme toro ya bona e fetoga lefeela.

Sepatikana and Mosima are very poor. They are very excited when they win the jackpot. Then something terrible happens.

  • Editor: Edwin Komana
  • Language: Sepedi and and English
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-338-7



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