IsiNdebele Catalogue(all books in isiNdebele in alphabetical order of title) |
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Ukufika kwam' ekhayaUVimbela uthabe ufile. Besele kusikhathi eside ayokusebenza, nje-ke urholile. Ukufika kwakhe ekhaya izinto ziyamtjhaphela. Vimbela is happy. He has worked for a long time and has received his salary. When he goes home with his money, however, many things go wrong.
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Ukurhonona kuyabulalaUSibanyoni omqatjhi kaNoThabani ufuna ukumnikela umsebenzi ongcono kodwana umkaSibanyoni akamthembi. Banyula ukulinga ukwethembeka kwakhe. Mr Sibanyoni, who is Thabani’s employer, wants to give her a better job, but his wife does not trust Thabani. They decide to test her honesty.
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Umuntu ongaziwaUNaBungela nomsana wakwakhe, uMnyazwa, bayalandelana estradeni esiya eMarabastada. Ngubani umuntu otjhili obalandelako lo na? NaBungela and her son, Mnyazwa, are being followed on the footpath to Marabastad. Who is the mysterious stranger who is following them?