Siswati Catalogue(all books in Siswati in alphabetical order of title) |
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BatsakatsiThalitha ubona indvodzana yakhe lenguSivumelwano igulela kufa. Nakayiphutfumisa esibhedlela Dokotela usheshe uyatfola kutsi ikuphi inkinga. Thalitha thought that her son, Sivumelwano, was dying. She did not know what was wrong with him. The doctor at the hospital soon discovered the problem.
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Iphelelaphi lentoMaseko unenkinga yekutsi akefiki neliholo ekhaya, setize taba tintsatfu tinyanga tilandzelana. LaShongwe longumkakhe sewubona kutsi sale alusukumela ngetinyawo loludzaba. Maseko’s salary was stolen from him on his way home from work. Maseko’s wife decided to walk back from work with her husband on pay day to see if he was telling the truth.
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Kube bekatiSimanga lophetfwe ngumona utsi uyise uyamenyanya yena, utsandza laba labanye bantfwana bakabo. Ngiwo lomona wakhe lomfaka kulenkhulu inkinga. Simanga is always jealous of his brothers and sisters. He thinks his father does not love him. One day his jealousy leads to tragedy.