IsiZulu Catalogue  

(all books in isiZulu in alphabetical order of title)


Amagugu: Amaculo nemilolozelo - incwadi yokufunda

Kulencwadi abadala nabancane bangafunda amagama amaculo ajwayelekile futhi aziwayo: imilolozelo, amaculo emishado kanye namanye adumile.

Adults and children can read and learn the words to well-known children's songs, wedding songs, lullabies and popular songs.

  • Author: Nozizwe Madlala
  • Language: isiZulu
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-874897-73-6




Ayikho lento

UMnumzane Nzuza nomkakhe uMaSithole babehlala ngokujabula nomakhelwano babo, uChamane nomkakhe uMaMzimela. UMaSithole wayengathokozile ngokuhamba komnyeni nowayevame ukuba asebenze kusihlwa. UMaMzimela wamqinisekisa ngokuthi nowakhe umnyeni usebenza ebusuku.

Langa limbe ukuhamba kwala madoda kwafika esiphethweni esingujuqu lapho womabili ethola okuthile okushaqisayo.

Mr Nzuza and his wife MaSithole lived happily with their neighbours, Mr Chamane and his wife, MaMzimela. MaSithole was worried that her husband travelled for work and often had to stay away overnight. MaMzimela reassured her by telling her that her husband also sometimes worked night shift.

One night both men’s travelling days came to a sudden end when they each made a startling discovery.

  • Author: Thabile Fakazi
  • Language: isiZulu
  • Level: ABET Level 2/Grades 4-5
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-684-5





UNomadiphu Khumalo ukhumbula impilo yaseMkhumbane ngo-I929  kuya ku-I959: umdanso kwaMgenge, ukuboshelwa utshwala kanye nokusokola kwamakhosikazi.

Nomadiphu Khumalo remembers life in the Cato Manor/ Chesterville area from 1929 until 1959: dances at Mgenge's place, liquor raids and the women's struggles.

  • Author: Nomadiphu Khumalo
  • Language: isiZulu
  • Level: ABET Level 2/Grades 4-5
  • ISBN: 978-1-874897-59-0




Ezababuya emazweni

URonnie Bhengu ubhala ngempilo yakhe esekudingisweni kusukela ngesikhathi eshiya kuleli ngo-I98I nokubuya kwakhe ngo-I99I. Leminyaka eyishumi wayichitha eBotswana,  Bulgaria, Angola naseTanzania.

Ronnie Bhengu writes a personal account of his life in exile from the time when he left the country  in 1981 until his return in  1991. During these ten years he lived in Botswana, Bulgaria, Angola and Tanzania.

  • Author: Ronnie Bhengu
  • Language: isiZulu
  • Level: ABET Level 3/Grades 6-7
  • ISBN: 978-1-874897-64-4





Uthando lokuqala lukaMnumzane Ngubane kwakuzinkomo zakhe. Wayetha izinkomo zakhe izibongo. Ngekathi omakhelwane befika bezolobola indodakazi yakhe wabatshela ngokushesha ukuba mabalande izinkomo. Wayejabule ukuthi wayezothola ezinye izinkomo.

Kwathi lapho sezilethiwe emzini wakhe izinkomo, uMnumzane Ngubane wahlangabezana nezimbila zithutha.

Mr Ngubane’s first love was his cows. He gave his cattle praise names. When his neighbours came to start negotiations to marry his daughter, he immediately told them to bring the cows to pay the lobola. He was very happy that he was going to get more cows.

But when the cows were brought to his homestead, Mr Ngubane was in for a very big surprise.

  • Author: Robert Mchunu
  • Language: isiZulu
  • Level: ABET Level 2/Grades 4-5
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-683-8




Imali kamalume

Umalume wayenemali eningi, enamatekisi, izitolo nezindlu. Akazange asitshele ukuthi waceba kanjani. Kwase kuba nesehlakalo esenzeka saveza iqiniso.

My uncle had a lot of money, taxis, shops and houses. He never told us what made him so rich. Then there was an incident that revealed the truth.

  • Author: Phumla Dlamini
  • Language: isiZulu
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-297-7




Indoda yezihlahla: : Indaba kaRobert Mazibuko

URobert Mazibuko, lndoda Yezihlahla, washona ngo-I994 eneminyaka engamashumi  ayisishagalolunye.  Empilweni  yakhe wachitha isikhathi sakhe efundisa abantu ukwenza umhlabathi unothe kanye nokutshala imifino nezihlahla. Njengoba aye asho athi, "Ngaphandle komhlabathi akukho lutho." Lena indaba yakhe kanye nezeluleko ngamazwi akhe.

Robert Mazibuko, the Tree Man , died in July 1994 at the age of  90. He spent his life teaching people how to make the soil rich and how to plant vegetables and trees. As he said, "Without the soil, there is nothing." This is his story  and advice in his own words.

  • Editor: Joanne Bloch
  • Language: isiZulu and English (original language)
  • Level: ABET Level 2/Grades 6-7
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-174-1




Inkinga ka Npompi noThemba

Lendaba ikhuluma ngenkinga ebhekene nezithandani, uNompi noThemba. Sithola uMaNene, unina kaThemba engena ezindabeni zothando zika Themba noNompi. UMaNene ugcina elibonile iphutha lakhe.

Nompi and Themba have a serious problem. Themba's mother, MaNene, interferes with their love life. Nompi finds a solution with the help of her friend Nono. MaNene finally realizes her mistake.

  • Author: Nozizwe Madlala
  • Language: isiZulu and isiXhosa
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-0-86980-860-3




Inkositini — Ukhathezile ulandela inhliziyo yakhe

Lendaba yothando eyiqiniso ixoxwa uKhathezile Gasa, isixoxela ngemizamo yakhe nesoka lakhe uGasa, elalidlala inkositini, ukuthola injabulo.

This true love story told by Kathazile Gasa tells of her struggle to find happiness with her one true love, Gasa the concertina player.

  • Author: Khathazile Gasa
  • Language: isiZulu
  • Level: ABET Level 2/Grades 4-5
  • ISBN: 978-0-86980-839-9




Izindaba zika Nokuthula

lphutha likaMbube!
UMbube  uyakuthanda ukudla notshwala. Ngelinye ilanga uya emngcwabeni kaShabalala, lapho inkulumo yakhe ikhalisa wonke  umndeni.

Mbube liked food and  beer. One day he attended Shabalala's funeral, where his speech made everyone cry.

Obani laba abalapha ethempeleni?
UNgubane ufuna ukuthokozisa abasekhweni lakhe, ngakho uyavuma ukuya nabo esontweni okokuqala ngqa selokhu wazalwa. Ngaphambi kokuba inkonzo iqale wenza iphutha elihlekisayo.

Ngubane wants his in-laws to be happy, so he agrees to go to church with them for the first time in his life. Before the sermon starts he makes a mistake.

  • Author: Nokuthula Mvubu
  • Language: isiZulu
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-299-1




Kusindwe ngobethole

MaShezi wayezimisele ukuthi umshado wendodakazi yakhe ube ngundabuzekwayo. Emva kokukhuzwa ngumyeni wakhe, wagqugquzela indodakazi yakhe ukuba ilahle amasiko igxile emalungiselelweni omshadokazi.
Usuku lomshado lwafika nesonto lalilihle. Izicebi zeza zisuka eduze nakude zihamba ngezimoto zazo zakwanokusho.
Kodwa-ke, umshado awuhambanga njengoba kwakuhleliwe. Umfundisi wayesanda kuqeda nje inkonzo yomshado …

MaShezi was determined to make her daughter's wedding a reality. After being advised by her husband, she encouraged her daughter to abandon customs and focus on the wedding arrangements. The wedding day came and the church was beautiful. Rich people came from far and wide with their luxurious cars. However, the marriage did not go as planned. The pastor had just finished marrying them when ...

  • Author: Myma Ngwenya
  • Language: isiZulu
  • Level: ABET Level 2/Grades 4-5
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-681-4





UNomadashi Memela wazalwa ngempi yamaNgisi namaBhunu. Uxoxa ngezigameko empilweni yakhe: isikhonyane, umshado wakhe kanye nokufika kwenkosi yamaNgisi eThekwini uKing George.

Born during the Anglo-Boer war, Nomadashi Memela tells us about some of the main experiences of her life: the locust plague, her wedding and King George the Fifth's visit to Durban.

  • Author: Nomadashi Memela
  • Language: IsiZulu
  • Level: ABET Level 2/Grades 4-5
  • ISBN: 978-1-874897-66-8




"Shoes!" Indaba kaLeonard Gregory

ULeonard Gregory wayengumdlali webhola elikhokhelwayo. Maningi amagoli aphumelela ngenxa yakhe. Wayedlala indawo ephakathi enkundleni, futhi uyena owayewungqondongqondo emdlalweni. Izethameli zazihlokoma zithi “Shoooooes!” ngesikhathi uLeonard esephethe ibhola eqonde emapalini.

Ngelinye ilanga yonke into yashintsha. ULeonard waba sengozini embi kakhulu, walahlekelwa ukusebenza kwemilenze yakhe. Le ndaba imayelana nokholo luka Leonard nokuthi wamelana kanjani nempilo yakhe entsha, wabuye watshengisa ukuthi abantu abakhubazekile bangabamba iqhaza emiphakathini yabo.

Leonard Gregory was a professional soccer player. Many goals started at his feet. He played in the central mid-field and "pulled the strings" in matches. The crowd would roar "Shoooooes!" when Leonard gathered the ball and headed for the goal posts. Then one day everything changed. Leonard had a terrible accident and lost the use of his legs.

This story is about Leonard's faith and how he coped with his new way of life and showed that people with disabilities can participate in and contribute to their communities.

  • Author: Peter Rule
  • Language: isiZulu, English (original language), Afrikaans, and isiXhosa
  • Level: ABET Level 3/Grades 6-7
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-675-3




UMahlase uvakashela edolobheni

UMahlase waya edolobheni ukuze athole imali yokondla umndeni wakhe. Ziningi izinto ezamhluphayo.  Waya eWimpi ecabanga ukuthi kusemzini othile onedili.

Mahlase went to town to look for a job to get money to support his family. He had so many  problems. He finally went to a Wimpy (fast food restaurant) thinking it was a traditional feast.

  • Author: Cedric Xulu
  • Language: isiZulu (original language), English, Sepedi
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-298-4




Umndeni wakaNkosi

Umndeni wakwaNkosi unabantu abayisikhombisa, njengabo bonke abantu, banezinto abazithandayo kanye nabangazithandi. Banezifiso, kanye namaphupho.  Bonke kusukela kuGogo  Nkosi kuya kuPhilile, bathanda ukuthi nawe uzwe ngemizwa yabo.

The seven members of the Nkosi family  have their own likes and dislikes, hopes and dreams, ust like everybody  else. Let them all, from Gogo Nkosi to two year old Philile, share their feelings with you.

  • Author: Elda Lyster
  • Language: isiZulu, English (original language), Afrikaans, Sepedi, Sesotho and isiXhosa
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-0-86980-854-2




Umntwana ozelwe

Umfundisi kanye nonkosikazi wakhe babanamahloni uma indodakazi yabo ibatshela ukuthi isizoba nomntwana. Lapho umntwana esefika, zonke izinto zashintsha.

The priest and his wife were embarrassed when their daughter told them she was going to have a baby. When the baby arrived, everything changed.

  • Author: Helen Brain
  • Language: isiZulu, English (original language)
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-704-0




Umuntu Ngumuntu Ngabantu

Lendaba ikhuluma ngokudilika kobandlululo ludilizwa yisigameko sokusisa indoda elimele.

A story about how prejudices are broken down when neighbours come together to help and injured man.

  • Author: Nozizwe Madlala
  • Language: isiZulu
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 0-86980-861-3




Uthando luyefana

UMaKhumalo wayeneminyaka engu-40 futhi wayengakaze afuye silwane. Wayekhule ekholwa ngukuthi amakati awalungile, nokuthi ayelanda inyoka ehlathini ayilethe ekhaya. Khonamanjalo abantwana bakhe bamncenga ukuba abatholele umthinyane. Ngokuhamba kweminyaka kukhona okwenzeka okwenza uMaKhumalo abone uthando luyefana noma ngolwezilwane noma abantu.

MaKhumalo was 40 years old and had never raised an animal. She had grown up to believe that cats were bad and they would take the snake out of the forest and bring it home. Meanwhile her children begged for a baby. Over the years there are things that happened that made MaKhumalo feel that love is the same for both animals and people.

  • Author: Sizakele Gumede
  • Language: isiZulu
  • Level: ABET Level 2/Grades 4-5
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-682-1




Utshwala, amaculu nezixakaxaka

Sisacobelelana ngezindlela zokupheka eGlebelands ngaphambi kokususwa kwabantu ngendluzula ezindaweni zabo ukubalekela ngokwesaba i-Valiant emhlophe   ukuzalwa kwendodakazi nokukhishwa esibhedlela ngelanga lokubelethwa kwayo-ngaphandle kwensenti ephaketheni umyeni wakhe edakwa, enezintombi, emhlukumeza umngcwabo ongajwayelekile nezinganekwane azixoxelwa unina esengumntwana. USibongile Sithole uxoxa ngezigameko empilweni yakhe njengomana, umngane, inkosikazi kanye nendodakazi

Sharing curry recipes in Glebelands before forced removals; hiding in terror from the white Valiant car; giving birth to her daughter and being discharged from the hospital on the same day — without a cent in her pocket; her husband’s drinking, girlfriends and violent ways; a very strange funeral and folk tales told to her by her mother ... Sibongile Sithole remembers “how things used to be” and tells true stories about her life as a mother, friend, wife and daughter.

  • Author: Sibongile Sithole
  • Language: isiZulu, English (orginal language), Sesotho and isiXhosa
  • Level: ABET Level 3/Grades 6-7
  • ISBN: 978-0-86980-859-7




Uxamu kavinjelwa

Iphupho likaSizwe kwakungukuba ngumshayi sibhakela uma esemdala kepha uyise wamalela ukuba adlale lo mdlalo. Washintsha isikole kanti esikoleni esisha kwakuneqembu labashayi sibhakela. Walijoyina iqembu engamtshelanga ubaba wakhe. Lapho uyise ethola wathukuthela wamxosha. Abanye abafana eqenjini baba nomona ngoSizwe bazama ukumcekela phansi.

Funda ukuthi uSizwe wabunqoba kanjani bonke ubunzima ukuze afeze iphupho lakhe.

Sizwe's dream was to become a boxer when he was older but his father refused to let him box. He changed school and at the new school there was a boxing club. He joined a group without telling his father. When his father found out he was angry and chased him away. The other boys in the group became jealous of Sizwe and tried to destroy him.

Read how Sizwe had overcome all difficulties to fulfill his dream.

  • Author: Siphiwe Gumede
  • Language: isiZulu
  • Level: ABET Level 3/Grades 6-7
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-685-2




Wafa ephila

Lencwadi  ikhuluma ngomfana igama lakhe nguSaki owabe ekhule engamazi uyise. Kufika isalukazi angasazi simtshela ukuthi uyise usekhona.  Lokhu kuphambana nolwazi analo ngoyise. Simthola kulencwadi ebuza unina kabanzi mayelana nalendaba ayizwe ngesalukazi. Ekugcineni simthola elithola lonke iqiniso ngoyise. Funda uzitholele ngaleli qiniso.

This book is about Saki, who grew up believing his father to be dead. Finally, he uncovers the tragic secret his mother had kept hidden from him.

  • Author: Johnson Kwamlah
  • Language: isiZulu
  • Level: ABET Level 3/Grades 6-7
  • ISBN: 978-1-874897-65-1



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