IsiXhosa Catalogue  

(all books in isiXhosa in alphabetical order of title)


Iileta zikaNjongo

UNjongo wayeluzwathi lomfana okhangelekayo nosaze ngobuso elizwe. Wayesaziwa kakhulu kule lokishi yaseBhayi iZwide. Eyona nto yayibangela ukuba adume kangaka luthando lwakhe lomculo. Wayesithi akukhwela eqongeni zinyibilike iintliziyo zeentombi, abafana babhitye ngumona.

Njongo falls in love with a beautiful stranger who he sees when he is in the fields looking after his father’s goats. He does not know her name but he cannot stop thinking about her, so he gives her the name “Nontyatyambo”. He writes her love letter but how will he give them to her?

  • Author: Tsepiso Nzayo
  • Language: isiXhosa
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grade 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-886840-643-2




Ikhubalo likaSoyola

USoyola noNoni ngabantwana abangenabazali nabahlala kwindawo yamatyotyombe. Ngaminazana ithile ngokuhlwa, bathelela xa abahlali babezithaphulela kwiivenkile zabaphambukeli. Iziganeko zobo busuku zabutshintsha ngonaphakade ubomi babo.

Soyola and Noni are orphans who live in a shack settlement. One night they join in when the community loot foreign-owned shops. The events of that night change their lives forever.

  • Author:Thenjiswa Ntwana
  • Language: isiXhosa
  • Level: ABET Level 2/Grades 4-5
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-642-5




Ingxaki kaZodwa noThemba

Eli bali limalunga nengxaki ejongene nababini abathandanayo, uZodwa noThemba. Sifumana uMaMpinga, unina kaThemba, engena ezindabeni zabo zothando. Iqala njalo ingxaki. Ekugqibeleni uMaMpinga uyayibona impazamo yakhe.

Zodwa and Themba have a serious problem. Themba's mother interferes with their love life. Zodwa finds a solution with the help of her friend Thembisa.

  • Author: Nozizwe Madlala
  • Language: isiXhosa, isiZulu (original language) and Sesotho
  • Level: ABET Level 2/Grades 4-5
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-152-9





UKhangelani noThembela batyhola izinja zikaZuko ukuba zibalumile bedlula ngendlela. UZuko ufuna ukubanceda kodwa inkosikazi yakhe uLizeka akabathembi. UZuko akafuni ukuphulaphula inkosikazi yakhe, kodwa ifumana icebo.

Khangelani and Thembela claim that Zuko’s dogs attacked them when they walked past his house. Zuko wants to help them, but his wife, Zoleka does not trust them. Zuko will not listen to her, so she makes her own plans.

  • Author: Nomadiphu Khumalo
  • Language: isiXhosa
  • Level: ABET Level 2/Grades 4-5
  • ISBN: 978-1-874897-59-0





UNothobile yinkosikazi elungileyo. Uthe umyeni wakhe uMandla akuqalisa ukumane efika ekhaya ngobusuku, waya kucela abantu abakhulu bosapho lomyeni wakhe ukuba bathethe naye. Ekuqaleni uMandla wabaphulaphula abantu abakhulu, kodwa waphinda wabuyela kwiindlela zakhe. UNothobile ngoku ufumanisa ukuba umyeni ufudukele kwaMayuyu nokwalapha ebumelwaneni!

Nothobile is a good wife. When her husband, Mandla, starts coming home late she asks the elders in her husband’s family to speak to him. At first, Mandla listens to his elders, but then things get worse for Nothobile.

  • Author:Sindiwe Magona
  • Language: isiXhosa
  • Level: ABET Level 2/Grades 4-5
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-641-8




"Shooooooes!" Ibali likaLeonard Gregory

ULeonard Gregory waye engumdlali webhola ekhatywayo obalaseleyo. “Wayevuth’ umlilo”, edlala kanye esuswini sebala, kunjalo nje esiza nawo amanqaku (amanqaku ayeqala ezinyaweni zakhe). Babe suka bagqume ababukeli, besithi “Shooooes!” xa uLeonard ebambe ibhola esiya ezimpondweni, ibe phofu into ayifunayo ilinqaku.

Ngephanyazo, yonke into yatshintsha! uLeonard wavelelwa yingozi emasikizi, walahlekelwa kukusebenzisa imilenze yakhe. Eli libali lika Leonard, indlela abambelele ngayo elukholweni lwakhe, kananjalo nendlela anyamezela wamkela ngayo ubomi bakhe obutsha. Waphinda wabonisa uluntu ukuba abantu abakhubazekileyo bangadlala enkulu inkxaxheba ekhuphuhliseni indawo abasuka kuzo.

Leonard Gregory was a professional soccer player. Many goals started at his feet. He played in the central mid-field and "pulled the strings" in matches. The crowd would roar "Shoooooes!" when Leonard gathered the ball and headed for the goal posts.

Then one day everything changed. Leonard had a terrible accident and lost the use of his legs. This story is about Leonard's faith and how he coped with his new way of life and showed that people with disabilities can participate in and contribute to their communities.

  • Author: Peter Rule
  • Language:isiXhosa, English (original language), isiZulu and Afrikaans
  • Level: ABET Level 3/Grades 6-7
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-673-9




Ukugoduka neenkukhu

UThobela, usebenza kude nasekhaya, uthatha uhambo olude oluya ekhaya, uluphathele into ezakulothusa, iluvuyise usapho lwakhe. Kodwa ayinguye yedwa onecebo lemfihlo ezakothusa.

Thobela, a migrant worker, sets off on a long bus journey home with a surprise for his family, but he is not the only one who is planning a surprise.

  • Editor: Pauline Stanford
  • Language: isiXhosa, English (original language), Sesotho and Afrikaans
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-150-5




Usapho lwakwaMajola

Amalungu asixhenxe osapho lwakwaMajola anezinto azithandayo nangazithandiyo, amathemba namaphupha, njengamntu wonke. Bavumeleni bonke, ukuqala kuMakhulu ukuya kuNomhle oneminyaka emibini, banixelele izimvo zabo.

The seven members of the Majola family have their own likes and dislikes, hopes and dreams, just like everybody else. Let them all, from Makhulu Majola to two-year old Nomhle, share their feelings with you.

  • Author: Elda Lyster
  • Language: isiXhosa, English (original language), isiZulu, Sepedi, Sesotho and Afrikaans
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-098-0




Utywala, ingoma kunye neengxabano

Kwakusabelwana ngendlela zokupheka ikhari e-Glebelands, phambi kweemfuduko zetshova; ezimela ngoloyiko i-Valiant emhlophe; wazala umntwana oyintombi esibhedlela wakhuluwa kwangalo mini - wabe engenayo nepeni emdaka; umyeni wakhe exabise iinyembezi zika vitoliya, amankazana ekwanazo nendlela ezindlongo-dlongo; umngcwabo ongaqhelekanga kunye namabali awayewabaliselwa ngumama wakhe ...

USibongile Sithole ukhumbula indlela izinto ezaziyiyo ngoko, ekwabalisa nambali ayinyaniso ngobomi bakhe engumama, umhlobo umfazi kwanentombi.

Sharing curry recipes in Glebelands before forced removals; hiding in terror from the white valiant car; giving birth to her daughter and being discharged from the hospital on the same day - without a cent in her pocket; her husband’s drinking, girlfriends and violent ways; a very strange funeral and folk tales told to her by her mother ... Sibongile Sithole remembers “how things used to be” and tells true stories about her life as a mother, friend, wife and daughter.

  • Author: Sibongile Sithole
  • Language:isiXhosa, English (original language), isiZulu and Sesotho
  • Level: ABET Level 3/Grades 6-7
  • ISBN: 978-0-86980-160-4



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