
(all books in all languages in alphabetical by order of title (on the left) and by level (on the right)

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Title (alphabetical) Level Title (alphabetical by level) Level
Dawid en die bul     1 Dawid end die Bul     1
Die Abrahams gesin     1 Die Abrahams gesin
Huis toe met hoenders     1 Huis toe met hoenders
"Shoooooes!" Die storie van Leonard Gregory     3     
    "Shooooes!" Die storie van Leonard Gregory     3

Dual language

Title (alphabetical) Level Title (alphabetical by level) Level
Malesela and the cell phones/Malesela le diselula   2-3 Malesela and the cell phones/Malesela le diselula   2-3 
Mkhize and the cell phones/Umkhize namaselula   2-3 Mkhize and the cell phones/Umkhize namaselula
Mkhize and the love sweets/Umkhize namaswidi othando   2-3 Mkhize and the love sweets/Umkhize namaswidi othando
Mkhize of Maritzburg/Umkhize wase Mgungundlovu   2-3    Mkhize of Maritzburg/Umkhize wase Mgungundlovu
Nazoke!   2-3 Nazoke!
The Famous Mkhize/Umkhize odumile   2-3 The Famous Mkhize/Umkhize odumile
The power of the drum and other stories/Isigubhu sezimanga nezinye izindaba   2-3 The power of the drum and other stories/Isigubhu sezimanga nezinye izindaba


Title (alphabetical) Level Title (alphabetical by level) Level
A lucky man     2 Evidence     1
Against the wind: five South Africans follow their dreams     3 First prize
Beer, songs and quarrels     3 Going home with chickens
Evidence     1 I am fed up
First prize     1 I love Ohazurike
Going home with chickens     1 Madevhe is coming
I am fed up     1 Mahlase's feast
I love Ohazurike     1 Mandla and the bull
Locked up     2 Mosima makes a plan
Madevhe is coming     1 My red cow
Mahlase's feast     1 The jackpot
MaLulu's Place     3 The new baby
Man of the house     2 The Nkosi family
Mandla and the bull     1 The sea is alive!
Mosima makes a plan     1 Where does the money go?
My red cow     1 Who shall I marry?
No space to plant     3 Why dogs chase goats
"Shoes!" The story of Leonard Gregory     3 Woza Friday
The diary of Thami the truck driver     3    
The jackpot     1 Man of the house     2  
The new baby     1 The promise
The Nkosi family     1     
The promise     2 Against the wind: five South Africans follow their dreams     3
The sea is alive!     1 Beer, songs and quarrels
The trick     2 MaLulu's Place
Where does the money go?     1 No space to plant
Who shall I marry?     1 "Shoes!" The story of Leonard Gregory
Why dogs chase goats     1 The diary of Thami the truck driver
Woza Friday     1 The Tree Man: Robert Mazibuko's story


Title (alphabetical) Level Title (alphabetical by level) Level
Ukufika kwam' ekhaya     1 Ukufika kwam' ekhaya     1
Ukurhonona kuyabulala     1 Ukurhonona kuyabulala
Umuntu ongaziwa     1 Umuntu ongaziwa


Title (alphabetical) Level Title (alphabetical by level) Level
Ikhubalo likaSoyola     2 Iileta-zikanjongo     1
Iileta-zikanjongo     1 Ukugoduka neenkukhu
Ingxaki kaZodwa noThemba     2 Usapho lwakwaMajola
Ixhoba     3        
Ndimfumene     2 Ikhubalo likaSoyola     2  
Shoooooes Ibali likaLeonard Gregory     3 Ingxaki kaZodwa noThemba
Ukugoduka neenkukhu     1 Ndimfumene
Usapho lwakwaMajola     1    
Utywala, ingoma kunye neengxabano     3 Ixhoba     3
    Shoooooes Ibali likaLeonard Gregory
    Utywala, ingoma kunye neengxabano


Title (alphabetical) Level Title (alphabetical by level) Level
Amagugu: Amaculo nemilolozelo - incwadi yokufunda     1 Amagugu: Amaculo nemilolozelo - incwadi yokufunda     1
Ayikho lento     2 Imali kamalume
Emkhumbane     2 Izindaba zikaNokuthula
Ezababuya emazweni     2 UMahlase uvakashela edolobheni
Ilobolo     2 Umndeni wakwaNkosi
Imali kamalume     1 Umntwana ozelwe
Indoda Yezihlahla: Indaba kaRobert Mazibuko     2    
Inkinga kaNompi noThemba     2 Ayikho lento     2
Inkositini: UKhathazile ulandela inhliziyo yakhe     3 Emkhumbane
Izindaba zikaNokuthula     1 Ezababuya emazweni
Kusindwe ngobethole     2 Ilobolo
Sengikhulile     2 Indoda Yezihlahla: Indaba kaRobert Mazibuko
UMahlase uvakashela edolobheni     1 Inkinga kaNompi noThemba
Umndeni wakwaNkosi     1 Kusindwe ngobethole
Umntwana ozelwe     1 Sengikhulile
Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu     2 Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu
Uthando luyefana     2 Uthando luyefana
Utshwala, amaculo nezixakaxaka     3    
Uxamu kavinjelwa     3 Inkositini: UKhathazile ulandela inhliziyo yakhe     3
Wafa ephila     3 Utshwala, amaculo nezixakaxaka
    Uxamu kavinjelwa
    Wafa ephila


Title (alphabetical) Level Title (alphabetical by level) Level
Ke tla nyala mang     1 Ke tla nyala mang     1
Lapa la ga Modiba     1 Lapa la ga Modiba
Maano ga a šite     1 Maano ga a šite
Masilo o ya toropong     1 Masilo o ya toropong
Mehlolo ga e fele     1 Mehlolo ga e fele
Metlae ya basemane     1 Metlae ya basemane
Ngo ga e dupe     1 Ngo ga e dupe
Ngwana yo moswa     1 Ngwana yo moswa


Title (alphabetical) Level Title (alphabetical by level) Level
Bothata ba Tselane le Tshepo     2 Ho ya hae le dikgoho     1
Ho ya hae le dikgoho     1 Lelapa la ha Mokoena
Jwala, mmino le diphapang     3    
Lelapa la ha Mokoena     1 Bothata ba Tselane le Tshepo     2
    Jwala, mmino le diphapang     3


Title (alphabetical) Level Title (alphabetical by level) Level
Bopaki     1 Bopaki     1
Ke nyala mang?     1 Ke nyala mang?
La bo phamola!     1 La bo phamola!


Title (alphabetical) Level Title (alphabetical by level) Level
Batsakatsi     1 Batsakatsi  
Iphelelaphi lemali?     1 Iphelelaphi lemali?
Kube bekati     1 Kube bekati


Title (alphabetical) Level Title (alphabetical by level) Level
Mirubo ya vhatukana     1 Mirubo ya vhatukana     1
Nguluvhe dza Vho-Dau     1 Nguluvhe dza Vho-Dau
Zwo nkhulela     1 Zwo nkhulela


Title (alphabetical) Level Title (alphabetical by level) Level
Mabubutsa ya rirhandzu     1 Mabubutsa ya rirhandzu     1
Mubya wu tsemekile     1 Mubya wu tsemekile
Ndzi rhamdza Oharzurike     1 Ndzi rhamdza Oharzurike