Teachers' Resource Materials

Apart from its books, New Readers Publishers has published resource materials for teachers based on five of the Level 1 English readers. It has also produced a general teachers' guide to using six books published in isiZulu. This guide is both in isiZulu and English.

The guides include general ideas for teaching reading and suggestions for the use of the particular book. There are copiable worksheets on comprehension, functional language use, writing, grammar and vocabulary.

As with the New Readers Publishers books, the use of these e-versions will be free for non-commercial purposes via a Creative Commons Licence.

The resources can be freely downloaded for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivates 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) International licence. Copyright is retained by the original producers.



Going home with chickens

  • Language: English
  • Reader Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-552-7




Mandla and the bull

  • Language: English
  • Reader Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-554-1




The new baby

  • Language: English
  • Reader Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-556-5




The Nkosi family

  • Language: English
  • Reader Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-553-4




Woza Friday

  • Language: English
  • Level: ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 978-1-86840-551-0



IsiZulu and English


Izinsiza kufundisa zalezi zincwadi

Izivivinyo ezikule ncwadi zisuselwa ezindabeni eziyisithupha zesiZulu ezenziwe zaba lula ukuzifunda ezashicilelwa ngabakwa-New Readers Publishers, ezinconyelwa ukuba zisetshenziselwe ukufunda ezifundeni zabasaqala zesiZulu ezibizwa nge-Asifunde

 Lezi zincwadi nezivivinyo zingasetshenziwa futhi ngemphumelelo lapho abafundi bezifundela ukuze basizakale ukuba balungiselele ukuhlolwa kwezinga lokuqala lemfundo yabadala nokuqeqesha (ABET Level 1), kanye nokuthuthukisa ukufunda baqephuze kanye nokuthanda ukufunda kwabafundi abafunda ukufunda nokubhala nabafunda ulimi okungelona lwabo.

Le ncwadi eyinsiza yothisha iqukethe amanothi abanzi najwayelekile kathisha ofundisa ulimi noma ukufunda nokubhala, kanye namapheshana ezivivinyo zabafundi (okungagaywa kube kuphindaphindwe). Izivivinyo zingabhalwa nasebhodini. Abafundi kuyomele bafunde lezi zincwadi ukuze benze lezi zivivinyo. 

The exercises in this book are based on six easy to read isiZulu stories published by New Readers Publishers which were recommended reading for a basic Zulu literacy course called Asifunde.

The books and the exercises can also be effectively used independently of the course to help prepare learners for ABET Level 1 examinations and to develop reading fluency and a positive attitude towards reading amongst literacy and second language learners.

This teachers' resource book contains extensive general notes for the language or literacy teacher and worksheets for the learners (which can be photocopied). The exercises can also be copied onto the board. Learners will have to read the books to do the exercises.

Izincwadi eziyisithupha / The six books:


Imali kamalume

Inkinga ka Nompi noThemba

Izindaba zika Nokuthula

UMahlase uvakashela edolobheni (also in English: Mahlase's feast)

Umndeni wakwaNkosi (also in English: The Nkosi family)

Author: Sandra Land

  • Language: IsiZulu and English
  • Level: The six books covered are at ABET Level 1/Grades 1-3
  • ISBN: 1-86840-618-0



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