Dual language Catalogue
Sepedi and English |
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Malesela le diselula/Malesela and the cell-phonesMalesela le diselula ke puku ya dikanegelo tša diswantšho tša batho ba bagolo ka Seisemane le Sepedi. E ngwadilwe ka maleme a mabedi eupša kanegelo ke ye tee, ka Seimane le Sepedi. E ngwadilwe bjalo gore o kgone go:
Re tshepa gore o tla ipshina ka go di bala! Malesela and the cell-phones is a book of picture stories for adults in English and Sepedi. This dual text reader contains the same stories in English and in Sepedi so that you can:
IsiZulu and English |
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UMkhize waseMgungundhlovu/Mkhize of MaritzburgLezi izindaba zokuqala eziqoqwe ngoMkhize waseMgungundlovu. UMkhize unezigigaba eziningi ngamahlaya – njengokuthi ugogo kwamele ukuthi azomuhlenga ngesikhathi ebhukuda olwandle wacishe waminza. This is the first collection of stories about Mkhize of Maritzburg. Mkhize has many amusing adventures - like when he gets into trouble when he is swimming in the sea and Granny has to rescue him.
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UMkhize namaselula/Mkhize and the cell phonesUMkhize uyajabula kakhulu uma ethola umsebenzi wokudayisa ngamaselula, kodwa izinto azihambanga kahle. Nangu noMaMsomi uba nenhlanhla emdlalweni kamabonakude waqala ibhizinisi eligcine selifake wonke umndeni. Kulencwadi yesibili kaMkhize kunezindaba ezilula futhi ezijabulisayo kakhulu. Mkhize is very happy when he gets a job selling cell-phones, but things do not go according to plan. Then MaMsomi gets lucky on a TV game show and starts a business which ends up involving the whole family. There are many simple but very entertaining stories in this second book of Mkhize stories.
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Umkhize odumile/The famous MkhizeUthando lokuqala lukaMnumzane Ngubane kwakuzinkomo zakhe. Wayetha izinkomo zakhe izibongo. Ngekathi omakhelwane befika bezolobola indodakazi yakhe wabatshela ngokushesha ukuba mabalande izinkomo. Wayejabule ukuthi wayezothola ezinye izinkomo. Kwathi lapho sezilethiwe emzini wakhe izinkomo, uMnumzane Ngubane wahlangabezana nezimbila zithutha. Mr Ngubane’s first love was his cows. He gave his cattle praise names. When his neighbours came to start negotiations to marry his daughter, he immediately told them to bring the cows to pay the lobola. He was very happy that he was going to get more cows. But when the cows were brought to his homestead, Mr Ngubane was in for a very big surprise.
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UMkhize namaswidi othando/Mkhize and the love sweetsKulencwadi yamancoko, uMkhize noMaMsomi basixoxela ngokuthi bahlangana kanjani. Lezindaba zabo zihlukene kakhulu! Kulencwadi yesine kaMkhize ihlanganise kakhulu imifanekiso ngamahlaya akhe. In this very funny book Mkhize and MaMsomi each tell the story of how they met. Their stories are very different! The excellent illustrations add to the humour in this fourth book about Mkhize.
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Nazoke! incorporating Nanko Phela!Lezizindaba izimbili ziqukethe izindatshana ezifanayo ngesiNgisi nesiZulu ukuze: ukuze uyisebenzise lencwadi uma ufunda ukufunda isiNgisi noma isiZulu; ukuze uyisebenzise lencwadi uma ufunda isiNgisi noma isiZulu ngengolimi lwakho lwesibili. Nathi kusithokozisile ukuzibhala! This dual text reader contains the same stories printed in English and in isiZulu so that you can: use the book if you are learning to read in English or isiZulu; as a first or as a second language. We hope you enjoy reading them!
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Isigubhu sezimanga nezinye izindaba/The power of the drum and other storiesLezizindaba zabhalwa uhlobo lwabafundi olwehlukile – abantu abadala benhlangano iMuthande Society for the Aged Literacy Programme. Lezizindaba eziqhamuka kwizifundo zabo zokuxoxwa kwendaba, zibuyisa izigameko ezindala zothando, ukulahleka, ukunyamalala kwamasiko nesikhathi sobandlululo eNingizimu Afrika. These stories were written by a unique group of learners – older people from the Muthande Society for the Aged Literacy Programme. Their stories, arising from oral storytelling workshops, vividly bring back very personal memories of passionate love, loss, disappearing traditions and life in apartheid South Africa.